1962 ST Overwound

The old pickups were also slightly grounded until in the mid 60s somebody at CBS skipped that working step likely because it was too expensive. The pole-staggering is exactly as the old ancestors, the pickup winding specs. and calibration have been taken from 1962 models with 8% additional power in the overwound-model.
You will find all attributes of a vintage-pickup: Medium-Built Formvar wire, bobbins made of forbon, wax potted, pushback cloth wires, handwound.

Classic bell-sound with good portion of highs, additional dominance and pressure coming from optimized magnetfield and special magnet-loading. Very good response, twangy taste and mostly the impression to know this sound from earlier days...
More vintage-pickup is possibly not available for this type of guitar.
Output range is medium/high.
- Alnico-V rodmagnets, hand-ground, "Vintage staggered"
- South on top for neck and bridge pickup (= industry standard), north on top of middle pickup
(reverse polarity to get hum-cancel in the in-between positions) - Neck 6,6 KOhm* DC-resistance, inductivity 2,9 H*
- Middle 6,5 KOhm* DC-resistance, inductivity 2,8 H*
- Bridge 6,9 KOhm* DC-resistance, inductivity 3,1H*
- 8% "overwound" for a little more output
- wound with original AWG42 medium build magnetwire
- potted in wax-mixture
- bobbins are made from black vulcanized fibre, an absolut vintage attribute, lots of handwork.
- wires are "vintage-correct" waxed pushback-clothwires made in USA, 25 cm length
- mounting dimensions like Fender-Stratocaster single-coils, PU´s mounting drill hole distance:
77,1 mm, 100 % compatible - all standard Strat 52,3mm spacing pickup-covers will fit - 100 % compatible
- the winding pattern is scatterwound which means hand-guided during the winding process
like the old PU´s from the 50´s / 60´s.