LeoSounds Vintage Player sets tested in Premier Guitar magazine
20 Dec. 2007, LeoSounds Pickups have been reviewed at Premier
Guitar Magazine. Please find the full review here
PG or alternatively here Review
PG html. Reviewer Douglas Baldwin: ...had me playing
far longer than required for mere product analysis – always
a sign of a great product.....You may be hearing the sound of
LeoSounds in your axe very soon....
LeoSounds Vintage Player sets tested in German Gitarre&Bass magazine
In issue 08/2007 of Germany's No1 guitar magazine, Udo Pipper gave our Vintage Player Classic Stratocaster Pickups a test run. We are very pleased with their outstanding score.
G&B: "The 1956 Vintage Player set is modeled on the historical guidelines of Fender, right down to the smallest detail. the material of the magnets, the magnet wire and basepleate are true to the historic specifications. These pickups prove, that Michael Pantleon, founder of Leosounds has no problem with the supposed contradiction between Twang and Warmth . This PU set sounds amazingly ballanced, open and musical.
The review of the Vintage Player 1966 Classic set was also spectacular.
G&B: "The 1966 Vintage Player set comes with the histrorically correct gray bottom, violet magnet wire end the exact lenght of the magnet rods (staggered). It delivers the typical Hendrix sound with haunting highs while the perfomance stays smooth and pleasant in every situation.
With these pickups, Leosounds effortless establishes himself on the top position amongst German pickup makers.
Especially with their moderate price, they are a more than a promising competitior to the established pickup products from overseas."
G&B Pickup Test with LeoSounds
Germany's No1 guitar magazine Gitarre&Bass performed a vintage Strat pickup test
(G&B 03/2006).
LeoSounds took part with 3 sets within a contest of 25 sets overall.
G&B: "...compliments go to South Germany. Offering high quality boutique-pickups at
such low prices
is new on the market..."
Can be reviewed in the march issue of Gitarre&Bass magazine - another outstanding article
by Udo Pipper.
(Tested: 60s Standard, 62-ST Classic, 62-ST Overwound)