Info / FAQ
Setup hints
The black wire is the starting point of the coil and that means Ground. Solder to the guitar-earth or GND contacts e.g. pots housing. The red one is the hot ! - solder to the approp. switch contact.
My pickups are polarized and wound in coordinance to the Fender specs. The "in between" switch positions of the PU-switch Neck/Middle, Bridge/Middle will deliver a hum-cancelling with a very good sound. Mostly all other pickup manufacturers stick to these specs - but not all of them: Check for polarity and winding direction prior to combine the pickups with others - avoid any unwanted "out of phase" effects (low-output, thin sound) in the in-between positions!
One year warranty in case of technical correct application ot the pickup. Be carefull, the wires are thinner than human hairs and will break very easily. In case of any doubts, let the job do a guitar-luthier.